Terri Hron is a musician, a performer and a multimedia artist.
Her work explores historical instrumental performance practice and repertoire, field recording, ceramics, movement and video. She often works in close collaboration with others.
Besides composing and performing works for and with others, she produces performances, gatherings and events.
Terri studied musicology and art history at the University of Alberta, historical and contemporary performance at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and electroacoustic composition at the Université de Montréal.
Her research focuses on collaborative practice and scoring in multimedia performance art.
She was Executive Director of the Canadian New Music Network for six years, where she has developed programs focusing on equity, pluralism and accessibility, before taking her current position as the director and editor of the francophone magazine, Circuit, musiques contemporaines.
Artist Statement
Currently my work explores belonging, to places, beings and scores. Working with media–in sound, image and memory–of the those I am working with, I am interested in how voices, signatures and traces travel and cross my path. I read and write scores to connect to traditions of inviting personal participation and listening attentively to the environment.
My works often involve collecting and adapting materials intuitively in different iterations that are variously performative and/or contemplative. These materials include recordings, found objects, historical and traditional repertoire, texts, scores, performance practices, instruments. Other artists participate in the creation of these materials and works. I explore different kinds of scoring from a holistic perspective, inspired by researching non-eurocentric transmission practices and practitioners.
I also study and advocate for the work of other artists, people and beings by designing and producing knowledge-sharing and dissemination events and resources.